SunGard Releases Data Migration Toolkit

The Mifos Data migration toolkit developed by the SunGard Mifos team is now available as a Beta release. The Mifos data migration toolkit can be used to migrate legacy system data into Mifos for MFIs running a Windows environment.

This tool will help Mifos Specialists reduced the time to deploy Mifos. Through the convenient upload of an Excel spreadsheet via the data migration tool, they can more efficiently migrate historical loan and client data.  The tool will map the data according to your general ledger accounts and specified Mifos configuration.  Currently the Data Migration Toolkit has been tested for Mifos version 2.1 and covers the following functions:

  1. Migration of Centers, Groups, clients entity wise
    1. Client Family details
  2. Migration of Loans – both individual client and group loans
    1. Support for Flat Rate of interest type
    2. Support for Declining Balance interest rate type
  3. Migration of Individual clients i.e. clients not associated with any groups or Center
  4. Migration of groups independent of centers
  5. Migration of Additional fields – Questions groups
  6. Validations for
    1. Mandatory field in MIFOS
    2. Duplicate records check
    3. Range checks on the loan product offerings
    4. Hierarchy check to validate the loan officer -> Center -> Group->Client link
    5. Loan Product Applicability : Products applicable to groups should have loans created for the groups only and not clients
    6. Loan creation with product frequency Mismatch : Validation such that the recurrence for the loan product matches the customer/center schedule
  7. Date Validations :
    1. Loan creation date should be greater than center creation date ( or MFI joining date)
    2. Group  MFI joining date should be greater than center creation date
    3. Disbursement date in loan account cannot be less than loan creation date
    4. Should not allow future dated values for MFI joining date, loan creation date etc
  8. Migrating One Time fees
  9. Migrating Group loans


Download & Documentation

Please download the toolkit and the user manual here. The user manual explains in detail along with screenshots how to install and configure the tool to work with with Mifos and your database.

Help Improve the Tool

Mifos users/specialists are welcome to test the tool and provide us feedback on the toolkit. SunGard will try to accommodate this feedback in the next release of the toolkit. You can add your comments to this thread on the mailing list.

Join us in thanking Chetan Bekkinkeri and his colleagues at SunGard Technology Services for their continued contributions to the Mifos Initiative. They have added value to our product, community, and users in a number of ways including performance enhancements, reporting improvements, new feature development and implementation support for users in India.

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