Adam Feuer Interviewed by PayPal X Developer Network

Mifos Director of Engineering, Adam Feuer discusses our goal to end poverty, and software’s place in achieving that goal.

20100809_article.mifos_.interview.photo_.Adam-FeuerRecently, Adam Feuer, had the chance to sit down with Matthew Russell of the PayPal X Developer Network for a casual conversation discussing Mifos and how developers around the world can work towards ending poverty by contributing to our software.

Visit the PayPal X site for an edited transcript of the interview or listen to the full conversation in this .mp3 file.

Adam covers a wide range of topics including:



  • History and growth of Grameen Bank, Grameen Foundation, and the Mifos Initiative itself.
  • Broad spectrum of financial products and services a microfinance institution offers.
  • Comparison of Mifos to traditional core banking software.
  • Mifos and why being open source helps provide greater freedom and flexibility for the MFI, the end user.
  • Challenges we’ve encountered over the years and how we’re working to overcome them.
  • Progress to date of our contributor community and how many active contributors we have.
  • Our longer term technology vision for the product helping to push us to the forefront of banking and business intelligence.
  • How new contributors can get involved and help software play a role in addressing global problems like poverty.
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