Mifos 2.2.2 Ships

SolDevelo released Mifos 2.2.2 on November 30, 2011. This release contains more than 20 bug fixes, a new German translation, support for adding question groups to the close savings/loan account workflow, and completion of the first set of APIs for Mifos.

SolDevelo’s inclusion of these additional APIs completes the REST API Module for all read/view functionality. This means that you can now build an external client/app/module that calls and reads anything from Mifos (i.e. viewing clients, groups, centers, accounts, repayment schedules).  SolDevelo used these APIs as the foundation for the first version of their Mifos Android Client which is available for download in the Android Market. Conflux Technologies and Udai Gupta are also using these APIs as they proceed on their offline client which is being developed as a Chrome Browser Extension.

The community continues to respond to the need of its users as the questions group feature was requested by Grameen Koota to ease their process of upgrading to the latest Mifos codebase.

Mifos 2.2.3 underway

SolDevelo is continuing to manage ongoing releases and is targeting shipping Mifos 2.2.3 before the end of the December. They will be completing the REST APIs for writing to the client and applying transactions which will be used in the next version of their Android client.  If you have any features/fixes you’d like to see – add them into JIRA.  These are the current plans for the 2.2.3 release.

Product Roadmap

Lukasz from SolDevelo has led the consolidation of all outstanding feature requests into a centralized dashboard in JIRA.  All incoming feature requests will go into this dashboard and will be tagged by which user requested and will be tracked by votes per request.  This list is the central body of feedback which will be used to prioritize what goes into the roadmap.  Based on your feedback at the upcoming user meetup, we’ll be formulating the product roadmap, so please continue to add your feature requests.

User Meetups – Don’t Miss Out on Your Chance to Get Help and Give Feedback

We launched our bi-weekly user meetups last month and encourage any users and implementers to attend. These meetings are the time for all our users to come together and ask questions from fellow MFIs and Specialists implementing Mifos. It’s also your chance to tell community developers directly what you want to see in the product. The next user meeting will be on Thursday December 8.  We’ll be giving a tutorial on how to request new features and how these flow into the product roadmap and get worked on by community contributors.  We’ll also be reviewing the current list of prioritized feature requests and priority gaps so need as many users to attend so contributors can know what to build.

Lots of Great New Features on the Way

In response to feedback provided thus far, the community is coming together to make good progress on some much-needed innovation.  Specialists, volunteers, and former Mifos staff are all working together in their community teams.  Including the previously mention Android Client and Offline Data Collection modules, work is underway on accounting integration, an SMS app, improvements to the data migration toolkit, import tools, mobile money integration, and more.

You can track the status of work on all these features on our Projects page.

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