Mifos wants to Hear your Voice

We’ve recently published our listing in the CGAP Software Listings Product Dashboard – the microfinance industry’s centralized place to learn about all the management information systems available for microfinance.Check out our listing for screenshots and an overview of the Mifos functionality. Our full review will be published in January 2010 as part of the second round of CGAP Software reviews.

We’ve also launched UserVoice for Mifos – a tool to collect feedback on our product and our community – send us your ideas now!

Using Mifos? We Want to Know.

We would like to share with the rest of the industry who out there is using the Mifos software. Are you an MFI that’s using Mifos to manage your operations and client portfolio? Please let us know and share your rating on the Mifos software by clicking here.

Are you using or currently implementing Mifos but not on our Who’s Using Mifos map? Let us know and we’ll add you to our map of worldwide Mifos users – add a comment below or email mifos@grameenfoundation.org.

UserVoice – Give Feedback on our Product

Got feedback on our product or community? We’ve launched UserVoice – a tool to let you let us know how you want to improve the product. Here you cansubmit your ideas for new features or enhancements to the product. Others can then vote on them and show their support for those needed features. As we better understand your needs, that will help us as we build our product and identify commonly needed functionality that needs to go into our product roadmap.

How can we improve collaboration across our community?

You can also use this tool to let us know how we can improve the community. The online tools we make available to you are what enables you to collaborate and communicate with others around the world to successfully use technology to further outreach of microfinance. How can we expand these tools and make them more meaningful, relevant, and easy to use for you? Are updates like this useful? Are tools like Uservoice good to have? Do you want to communicate through forums?

On UserVoice – we welcome any suggestions you have regarding both our platform and community. Post new ideas and suggestions, vote for and support other ides. Let your voice be heard and let us know we can more effectively build technology that serves the poor.

Mifos UserVoice Page for Suggesting Tools to Improve Community

Here’s how to get started on UserVoice:

  1. Log-in – click the log-in link at the top right to sign in via your Google, OpenID account or other related service. Alternatively you can sign up for a UserVoice Account.
  2. Search ideas – Start typing your idea in the “I suggest you…” box and similar ideas (if they exist) will come up. If there’s not an idea that matches up with yours, click “Create New Idea”
  3. Create a new idea – You can enter a brief descriptive title of your idea – you’ll then have the option to add a few sentences to describe it.
  4. Vote for an idea – Click the vote button directly underneath the vote count to log your vote. You can add up to 3 votes for each idea. Use your votes wisely – you have 12 total but can shift them around if you change your mind.
  5. Check out the top ideas – Return and see if others have voted for and support your idea.
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