End Poverty. One Line of Code at a Time.

UPDATE: 2010 Google Summer of Code Students Announced

Seven students have been accepted for Mifos projects this year. Join us in wishing them the best of luck this upcoming summer.

Visit the Google Summer of Code Website to see a listing and map of our accepted students and where they’ll be contributing from. Click here to see the full list of more than 600 accepted students participating in this year’s Summer of Code.

We had an overwhelming number of extremely qualified applicants with stellar proposals so it was a very selective process this year. To all those who applied and weren’t selected, we encourage you to apply again in the future and welcome your contributions to our community if there’s a volunteer project or other way you’d like to get involved. We’re always in need of others to help us build technology to fight poverty!


Student Mentor Project
HaraPriya K Van Mittal-Henkle Mifos front end prototype using Groovy, Grails, and a CSS Framework
Vishnu vardhan Pasupula Van Mittal-Henkle Mifos front end prototype using Groovy, Grails, and a CSS Framework
Kojo Gambrah-Sampaney Jeff Brewster Enhance automated acceptance test suite
Ruth Frowein Jeff Brewster Mifos mobile voice
Dhanushka Kottegoda Udai Gupta Spring managed entity persistence and transactions| Speed up unit & integration automated test suite
Shahzada Mushtaq Udai Gupta MifosNG
Mohammad Shahiduzzaman John Woodlock Increase Mifos modularity by refactoring business objects out of UI layer

Stay tuned for a more detailed look into each of the students later this week.

What is Google Summer of Code?


Students all over the world seek something interesting to do during summer. This summer, some student hackers will participate in the Google Summer of Code. They’ll be paid by Google to do something great: contribute to FLOSS: Free and Open Source Software. Mifos is one of the organizations participating in the program. Students that choose Mifos will not only be writing FLOSS, they’ll be helping to end world poverty!

If you know a student, or you are a student, check out Mifos in the Google Summer of Code. Act fast, student applications are due Friday, April 9th.

Jump into the #Mifos chatroom in IRC or head over to our Developer Mailing Lists to ask any questions you have.

Visit our Google Summer of Code wiki page on payments.mifos.org for all details.

Get Inspired:

Watch how our open source technology is accelerating the growth and impact of microfinance:

See how we’re aiming to reach 3,000,000 Marie’s to uplift them through microfinance.

Udai Gupta – 2009 Google Summer of Code Participant

Who We’re Looking For:

  • Quick learners
  • Troubleshooting wizards
  • A passion for writing beautiful code
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Knowledge of developer tools
Does that sound like you? Then apply now!
Take a closer look at the incredible journey Udai Gupta and Johan Hilding went on last year during their Endless Summer of Code.
Udai is now a key part of our core development team and will be mentoring Google Summer of Code interns this year.

Meet our Mentors and the Projects they’re leading:


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