Ishan’s GSOC’14 Experience with Mifos

Story So Far

gsoc-aspirant@mifos: Finding Organisation….[Done]
gsoc-aspirant@mifos: Introduction to Developer Community….[Done]
gsoc-aspirant@mifos: Finding a Project….[Done]
gsoc-aspirant@mifos: Contributing – Iterating – Contributing…………………………………………….[Done]
gsoc-aspirant@mifos: Selected @ Mifos
ishan@mifos: Developing Android Client………………….[Working]


androidThis is my first experience as an open source developer for an organisation and undoubtedly it’s been awesome so far. Working alongside experienced developers is always fun, for I love learning from others’ experiences.

Writing code that others can contribute to as well had always been a challenge, until I started with my android-client project. What can give nightmares to others is now a child’s play for me. A cool thing about Mifos is that I just don’t have one mentor, but anyone I ask for help behaves like a kind mentor to me. Always ready to help! Full of zeal and readiness to clear all your doubts!device-2014-07-17-223141

My official gsoc’14 mentor Vishwas has been extremely helpful. Although he is based in Seattle,USA and I am in New Delhi, India we still manage to catch up with each other over Skype at a suited time almost everyday. I always get clear instructions from him about what work I have to take up. I have never been blocked for more than 24 hours on anything related to my project. Thanks to Vishwas and Team!

device-2014-07-17-222941Its worth mentioning about someone because of whom I am a part of this organisation and its Nayan Ambali. It’s because of his help that I could make it to this year’s Google Summer of Code. I gave him a lot of trouble during the initial days for he was just a phone call away :p But he always had help to offer!

Another person that I met here in the Mifos Community, Satya Narayan. We talk for long almost once every fortnight over Skype (He is based in North Carolina, USA.) He has helped me take down some very tricky things in android. I’ve learned some nice and clean coding ethics from his code.

I won’t exit the editor without appreciating Ed Cable(Of Course!!), who has one of the toughest roles to play at Mifos. Managing all interns, meetings and helping people get involved into development. He has great listening skills for he takes down notes during all our conference calls at lightning fast speed.device-2014-07-17-223036

About my project, it is sailing at the desired speed. We are ready with the Alpha Version that you can grab from here

We are following an iterative enhancement approach so we’ll ship the releases very frequently. I also have Crashlytics integrated with Github in place so any crashes you face are automatically logged as Issues on Github.

If you are interested in reading more about me, catch up here

3 replies
    • Ishan Khanna
      Ishan Khanna says:

      The localhost refers to the device on which the code is running, in this case the emulator.

      If you want to refer to the computer which is running the Android simulator, use the IP address instead.

  1. Lajeo Gloria
    Lajeo Gloria says:

    What i mean is that i have install mifos X on my laptop and i have also installed BlueStacks App Player and where i have installed the mifosng-android.apk file and i can access it with the instance but i want to get to client details from the local database installed on my laptop. when i enter “https://localhost:8443/community-app/mifosng-provider/api/v1” in the Mifos Instance Domain, its highlighted Red which to me is an error and can not move forward.

    Secondly which soft wares are needed to run the source codes of the Android client


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