Cooperativa 19 B-9 Porongoche, Paucarpata - Arequipa PERU
86 Avenida Pizarro José Luis Bustamante y Rivero Arequipa PE

Jungler Innova es una empresa Peruana de desarrollo de software enfocados en sistemas para microfinanzas. Nuestras operaciones se centran hacia el uso de tecnologías para transformar los métodos de préstamos de la forma tradicional hacia un ambiente ágil que permita una experiencia satisfactoria.

Jungler Innova is a Peruvian software development company focused in microfinance systems. Our operations are centered towards leveraging technologies to transform consumer lending from the traditional complicated process it is today into a hassle-free, readily available and round-the-clock experience.

Type of Partner
Platform Solution Partner
Primary Contact
(+51) 959.524.889
Number of Customers
0 customers
Active Member of the Community Since:
July 31, 2017
Regions Served
America - South
Social Mission

Utilizando tecnología, buscamos cerrar la brecha entre la necesidad de los prestamistas y cooperativas del sistema financiero, facilitando la realización de préstamos, mejorando los costos y manteniendo la eficiencia.

Through technology, we aim at bridging the gap between people and cooperatives in the financial system, easing the accessibility of loans, improving costs and maintaining efficiency.

Deployment Partner Services
Implementation Services
Platform Solution Services
Product/Solution Development on Mifos X platform (branded solutions)
Size of the Team
4 employees
thk.jpg 8 years ago
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