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Mogotio Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
Mogotio Road Nairobi Nairobi 00100 KE

Intsoft Solution Limited operates under two segments, Information technology and Accounting sectors. Its main tasks includes sales and implementation of accounting systems, management information systems, enterprise resource planning software, Payroll among others.

The company’s team includes, Certified Public Accountants, Tax agents, Software Developers, Project managers, Marketing team and Lawyers. This enables the company to offer better services to our current and potential clients at affordable charges.

Type of Partner
Deployment Partner
Primary Contact
+254 708 360 214
Number of Customers
4 customers
Active Member of the Community Since:
July 25, 2016
Regions Served
Africa - Central, Africa - East, Africa - North , Africa - South, Africa - West
Social Mission

Intsoft Solution Limited have been working closely with community based organizations (CBO) and non profit organizations where informal and unbanked individuals and groups operate helping them in audit and cash management including internal controls. Records are done and maintained manually in spreadsheets and ledger books
which raises issues on reporting and preparation of income and expenditure reports and keeping track of loans advanced and interest computation.

Intsoft Solution will work together with clients and Mifos team to help clients (members/groups/institutions) in the formal and informal financial services sector meet their objectives of cash management, loan processing, and internal controls etc. thereby concentrating with the core mandate of investment and saving of money. This will improve the living status of members individually and collectively in addition, with Mifos individuals groups and/or institutions will increase members base due to best cash management practices using Mifos MIS and growth will be inevitable.

Services Offered

System setup and configuration
System implementation
Training users of MIS
System support
Accounting and book keeping
Tax and audit
Consultancy on best financial management practices
Strengthening internal controls

Deployment Partner Services
Implementation Services
Platform Solution Services
Custom app or module development on Mifos X platform
Size of the Team
13 employees
Team Description

Software Developers
More than 5 years experience
Database design and implementation
Application development
Report design and creation
System design analysis and implementation
User support and training

More than 7 years experience
Accounting set ups
Financial management training
Tax and audit

Project manager
Quality assurance
Project review

Legal advisory
Preparation of documents and contracts

Marketing team
Creating awareness

Areas of Expertise


Management information system implementation
Software implementation
Database administration
System audit security checks.
Donor Assignment Accounts/ audit
Groups accounts and audit

Software Developers:
Server Services: Database Servers (MsSQL, PostgreSQL & MsSQL).
Analytics and reporting: SAS Analytics, Pentaho BI Suite, Jasper Reports, Reportico Engine
Programming: Android development, C, C++, Java, .NET, C#, JSON.

Relevant Industry Experience


CBA Bank SAS AML: CBA bank anti-money laundering solution.
BAT Loyalty System: Database design.
Integrated Smart Card System Development: Database design and Payment App design.

Customers Being Supported

Partner since 25th July 2016.

History with the Mifos Community

Partner since 25th July 2016, work with Mifos team and financial services clients to improve management of cash and loans.

Future Goals & Strategy for Mifos

Intsoft Solution Limited brings Accountancy and information technology and related services expertise to the Mifos community and the clients at large.

Over the next 3 years Intsoft Solution intends to bring more people in the financial services industry by implementing the Mifos X platform as well as educating clients on best investment and cash management practices through training and support programs.

intsoft logo.png 9 years ago
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