Tag Archive for: update

Mifos 2.6 (Esha K) is Live

As we close out 2012 and bring in 2013, we are excited to roll out the final major release on top of the Mifos 2.x codebase.  With its fourth major release, SolDevelo has wrapped up Esha K, our Mifos 2.6 release. The theme of Mifos 2.6 was to fill any major outstanding gaps and make Mifos 2.6 be the most polished and well-rounded application for group lending before we transition development to our lighter, more flexible, next-generation platform Mifos X. Major new functionalities include support for daily loans and savings accounts, the ability to upload and attach files to loans and clients, a user interface for modifying the chart of the accounts, a dashboard of key business metrics on the homepage, and enhancements to importing data in Mifos.

Apart from these many new features, more than 45 bugs were also fixed by the SolDevelo team.  We will also soon be shipping as separate releases enhancements to accounting and reporting – Hugo Technologies has completed a range of enhancements to the Mifos-ACC accounting module and Conflux Technologies will be delivering a few additional standard reports to our Business Intelligence Suite. Please join us in thanking Lukasz C, Natalia, Kasia, Kamil, Wojciech, Pawel, Grzegorz, Marcin, Jakub P, Jakub W, Lukasz W and the rest of the SolDevelo team who led the development of these new features and helped to review incoming contributions.

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Mifos 2.1.6 Released & SolDevelo to Extend Mifos 2.2

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.6. This hotfix release includes the following fixes:

  • Stack trace appears is no longer appearing after submitting Question Groups with response which has more than 200 characters
  • Client details page are no longer loading too slowly for some MFIs

Click here to download and view documentation. A full list of the of issues fixed can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/427kfya  and in the release notes: http://tinyurl.com/43sga7p

Please note the upgrade instructions as well when upgrading to this release.

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Mifos 2.1.5 Released

This past week, we released the latest hotfix, Mifos 2.1.5. This hotfix includes the following fixes and enhancements:

  • Changes to mandatory savings amounts are now accurately reflected in the UI and appear correctly in the collection sheet report
  • Issues/withdrawals amount is now displaying correctly in the collection sheet entry pipeline
  • Improvements to Question Group query to improve loading speeds of center, group, and client pages
  • Improvements to the batch job that generates meetings for savings
  • Ensuring that removed fees no longer show on the ‘Review installments’ and ‘Preview Loan account information’ pages
  • Fixed for collection sheet error: “The amount specified for <Loan product> of customer <customer name> is invalid. Please specify valid amount.”

MFIs on the latest codebase should upgrade to this new version. Please view the release notes for a full list of issues fixed. Follow the upgrade instructions for a smooth upgrade.

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Mifos 2.0 and 2.1 – a Closer Look

A closer look at the features, functionality and reporting improvements that we’ve shipped in the Mifos 2.0 and Mifos 2.1 and Mifos Business Intelligence Suite.  

Over the past several months, our team and community has been quite busy – we’ve shipped two major releases and a brand new business intelligence suite offering you powerful reporting tools to analyze the data that has been captured in Mifos.

While we’ve continued to make behind-the-scenes architectural improvements that you might not notice, these releases contain some new functionality that we should take a closer look at.  We’ll start by diving into our most recent release, Mifos 2.1 and then go back to take a look at what was in Mifos 2.0. In a separate post, we’ll look at what Mifos Business Intelligence Suite can do to help you understand your business and how your services are impacting your clients.

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