Star Contributor of the Month – Raunak Sett


We are recognizing Raunak Sett, one of our great GSOC interns, as our Star Contributor for the month of August. Before, during, and hopefully for many years to come, Raunak has been a rock star contributor to the Mifos Community, going above and beyond in everything he touches. On top of building out a beautiful online banking app for customers, he has shared his design expertise by providing the UI design for both the Android mobile banking app and collection sheet in the field officer app. He is always patient and so ready to help customers and others in the community – on our weekly check-ins, Raunak is always eager and willing to share advice and lessons to help his fellow interns. A recent graduate from the University of Delhi, Raunak has a very bright future ahead of him. Join us in thanking Raunak for all of his hard work and contributions to the Mifos community!

Raunak Sett – Delhi, India

Brief Bio (in the words of Raunak):

I’m a recent graduate from University of Delhi, who is passionate about creating impact through technology. I have always wanted to build things that help. Everybody has some way of giving back to the community and working on something which enables impact in lives, it’s my way of giving back to the community.

Relevant Skills & O.S. Experience: I’m a front-end developer and an design enthusiast. I’ve worked on Angular and React as well. I have experience with using javascript on front-end frameworks, back-end.

Raunak’s Impact:

Discovering Mifos: I discovered Mifos through a friend of mine who is also an active member of the community. I stumbled upon a user meeting and that’s how I was introduced to Mifos.

Contributions Made to Date: 

  • Resolved 28 Issues for the re-skin release.
  • Created mockups for the Android self-service app, so it’s easier for people in the bottom of the pyramid to interact with financial inclusion organizations.
  • Improved the Collection Sheet UI for a fellow GSOC intern.


Current Projects: 

Currently as my GSOC project I was working on the web self-service app from scratch, I’m also actively working on getting a release ready for the Social Performance Management framework.

Impact on the Poor: 

An easy accessible way for the poor to financial inclusion services.

What’s Rewarding about Working on Mifos:

The fact the community is so engaging, you love to contribute and everyone is out there to help you.

Top Piece of Advice for Others in the Mifos Community:

Be engaged with others and the work they are doing, you might be able to contribute and help others and they will do the same for you.

Fun Facts about Raunak

Favorite Food: Butter Chicken

Favorite Open Source Project: Mifos

If Raunak Could Travel to One Place in the World: Scotland

Interesting fact/tidbit about yourself you’d like to share: When I’m not coding, I’m probably cracking bad puns and lame jokes.

Connect with Raunak




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